*Select the same type of thermocouple as thermometer.
Type K
010 100mm
020 200mm
030 300mm
050 500mm
100 1000mm
Standard specifications : TC1m
Outer diameter : φ4mm
Sheath material :Silicone rubber
Heat resistant : 240°C
The Cable length can be specified in 0.5m increments.
Anritsu standard plug
For HR-1*0*,AP-400 etc.
Miniature plug
for AM-8***,HR-1*5*,AP-450,AR-650* etc.
Without plug
Ring terminal for φ3mm, φ4mm, φ5mm
Spade terminal for φ3mm, φ4mm (made of thermocouple)
Ring terminal for φ3mm, φ4mm (made of thermocouple)